Patrick Blundon

Director of Operational Excellence , CONSTRUCTION

Patrick Blundon has a particular way of viewing construction. To him, each project is a distinct business unit. It exists for months or years at a time and is run by a team of highly trained professionals according to parameters such as schedule and budget. As a project manager for Broccolini, Patrick is a senior leader for each of these so-called business units. He works with the client to set the project’s direction, draws on the resources of the unit’s team members to deliver the finished product, and uses his particular expertise to ensure challenges are addressed before they become problems. “As a Managing Director of the Ottawa office, I deal with a lot of different aspects of every project, from estimating to execution to delivery,” he says. “But I love the fact that every project is its own enterprise, complete with its own unique conditions. My work is never dull, because it never offers the same set of challenges twice.” Patrick grew up in and around construction. His father—from whom he draws inspiration—owned a general contracting business for many years. Patrick learned about the industry firsthand by experiencing nearly every aspect of work on his father’s sites and in the office. He supplemented that practical knowledge with a strong theoretical base during his studies at Concordia University. He graduated in 2000 and joined Broccolini in 2005. Today, Patrick applies his unique approach to construction project management on Broccolini’s Ottawa projects. He’s excited by the challenges each new project presents and eager to ensure each of his business units is a resounding success.

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