155 Redpath

Broccolini is proud to have been chosen as the general contractor for this condominium project. The 155 Redpath is a new residential complex located in the Yonge and Eglinton neighborhood. Located on the corner of Redpath and Roehampton, it is a magnificent interpretation of urbanism. 400 suites spread over 36 storeys will be punctuated with large offset balconies and vivid brush strokes of color. 155 Redpath represents modernism in the truest sense of the word, ushering in a new chapter in the story that is today's Toronto. From the sidewalk, one can admire the tall boxwood columns that rise up to an architectural vault, creating a portal on the beautiful, serene lobby. The interior space, surrounded by glass, offers views over the lush landscaped gardens. White - pure white - is everywhere, freeing the senses to take in the essential, an artistically natural environment.

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155 Redpath Avenue, Toronto, Ontario

Completion Date:


Building Area:

326,000 sq.ft.